Are you interested in the nutrition of little adventurers ?

Are there healthy snack alternatives to the 'industrial four o'clock' at that crucial time of the day when your child is filling up with energy to have fun in the mountains, play outside or go to training; but also at that crucial time of life when they are building robust health and good habits! Childhood is an absolutely pivotal period in the construction of a human being. It is at this precise age that good and bad habits are deeply rooted. It is during this chapter of innocence and discovery that the passion for the great outdoors is born and the foundations of robust health are laid. During these essential years, the little sportsmen and women learn to enjoy playing outdoors and to do themselves good by eating healthy. This first certainty is coupled with a second: the conviction that children cannot develop their awareness alone. They need to be educated about their tastes and palates. This is a task for parents but also for manufacturers.

"An 8-year-old child has already eaten more refined sugar than his grandfather has in his entire life" (Arte documentary "Sucre, le doux mensonge", April 2020)

A shocking figure that alerts us to the eating habits of our little athletes. This figure is the one that led to the creation of Baouw KIDS bars.

Created in 2017 on the shores of Lake Annecy, Baouw is a sports nutrition brand offering organic energy bars, purees and dried fruits. Baouw is the result of a meeting between a nutritionist, a starred chef and a food specialist (Benoît Nave, Yoann Conte and Gilles Galoux), and the quality of its products. 

Les Baouw KIDS ont été conçues par des enfants pour des enfants, ce sont 3 recettes aux fruits spécialement concoctées et pensées pour répondre à tous leurs besoins énergétiques tout en utilisant que des produits naturels : des fruits, des fruits secs, des oléagineux et de l’huile d’olive vierge extra. 

Cacao-Noisette, Banane-Cajou & Fruits rouges-Amande. 

Baouw KIDS bars are soft and chunk-free and are both tasty and practical due to their size. They can be eaten from the age of 3. Cereal-free, gluten-free and milk-free, the Kids bars are easily digestible. They offer a healthy and natural alternative to the classic biscuits, chocolate bars or other cereal bars, to replace the habit of "four o'clock" which are too industrial (and much too sweet) and to take care of the health of our little athletes. In addition, it is also a simple and tasty way to make them love fruit. 

"The aim of our Kids bars is to offer a healthy and practical alternative to chocolate bars, biscuits and cereal bars - one that doesn't crumble in the school bag or in the gym bag," says Gilles Galoux, one of the three members of the Baouw founding trio.

Children and adults alike have their own Baouw!

All the recipes can be found on