Getting their medal is a key moment in the week for your child, an integral part of their achievement !
At the ESI we do not ask you to pay any extra, the medal is included in group lessons!
Getting their medal is a key moment in the week for your child, an integral part of their achievement !
At the ESI we do not ask you to pay any extra, the medal is included in group lessons!
First slide medal.
White mouse
Straight run in snowplough position learning.
Class : beginner
Terrain : Kindergarten and green slopes
Green mouse
Controlled braking snowplough position.
Class : beginner
Terrain : kindergarten and green slopes
Blue mouse
Series of wedge christies on green slope.
Class : beginner
Terrain : green slopes
International cristal
Series of elementary turns on green slope.
Class : beginner
Terrain : green slopes
Bronze cristal
Elementary turns and sideslipping on blue slope.
Class : 1
Terrain : Blue Slope
Silver cristal
Parallel ski basic turnd on blue and red slope. Controlled sideslipping.
Class : 2
Terrain : blue and red slope
Vermilion cristal
Controlled parallel ski turns on red slope.
Class : 3
Terrain : Red slope
Gold cristal
Basic short turns on red and black slope. Experience of skiing in all types of snow and terrain.
Class : 3
Terrain : Red & Black slope
Diamond cristal
Carving short turns on any slope.
Class : 4
Terrain : All grounds
Emerald run
Perfect off piste skiing in all types of snow and all terrain.
Class 4 Freeride
Turquoise run
Controlled freeriding on very steep slopes of all terrain.
Class 4 Freeride
Ruby run
Simple tricks, halfway round rotation, grab in snowpark, Fakie turns. Terrain : Snowpark
Class 4 Freestyle
Diamond run
All types of tricks, one full rotation, Tail and Nose Grab halfway round rotation. Terrain : Snowpark
Class 4 Freestyle
baby snow
Discovery of snowboard for kids
Class: Discovery
Terrain: beginner's area
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : moving on the flat, first slides
The board
Evolution in discovery turn
Class: Discovery
Terrain: beginner's area, green slope
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : discovery turn, fall line Backside
Bronze board
Evolution in elementary turns on an imposed trajectory
Class: 1
Terrain: green and easy blue slope
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : elementary turn on green and blue slopes, discovery of fakie
Silver board
Evolution in basic turns
Class: 2
Terrain: blue to red slopes, snowpark initiation
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : basic turn on red slope, evolution in fakie, straight jumps - 360° slide
Vermilion board
Evolution in advanced curve
Class: 3
Terrain: red and black slopes, off-piste, snowpark
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : improved turning, all-snow and all-terrain initiation
Gold board
Evolution in expert turns (competition type)
Class: 4
Terrain: red and black slopes, off-piste, snowpark
ACQUISITION OF SKILLS : improved short-radius turning, advanced riding in all types of snow and terrain, freestyle tricks
Nordic snowman
First slide medal
Nordic white mouse
Autonomy, put and remove on ski, get up.
Class : beginner
Nordic green mouse
Straight run in snowplough position learning / stair climb position.
Class : beginner
Nordic blue mouse
Snowplough position, double poling notion, scissors climb possition
Class : Beginner
Bronze classic
Elementary turn, giding walk, turning steps.
Silver classic
Refined elementary turn, alternative step, single stride.
Gold classic
Use of different technics of Classis on the basis of terrain, parallel turn, turning steps.
Bronze skating
Elementary turn, two basic times on flat ground, turning steps.
Silver skating
Refined elementary turn, two basic times on climb.
Gold skating
Use of different technics of classic on the basics of terrain controlled parallel ski turns and turning steps.
Lying biathlon
Initiation, use for the biathlon rifle, security management.
Standing biathlon
Initiation, use of the biathlon rifle.
International slalom
Slalom competition
Basic time 80 %
Bronze slalom
Slalom competition
Basic time 75 %
Silver slalom
Slalom competition
Basic time 55 %
Vermilion Slalom
Slalom competition
Basic time 35 %
Gold slalom
Slalom competition
Basic time 17 %
International giant
Giant slalom competition
Basic time 55 %
Bronze giant
Giant slalom competition
Basic time 50 %
Silver giant
Giant slalom competition
Basic time 40 %
Vermilion giant
Giant slalom competition
Basic time 28 %
Gold giant
Giant slalom competition
Basic time 15 %