Première Cible: A Gripping Dive into the World of Biathlon - Unveiling the 2023 Comic Event!

The demanding universe of biathlon, a daring blend of cross-country skiing and rifle shooting, is about to reveal all its secrets through "Première Cible," a comic promising a thrilling adventure. From October 21, 2023, the scheduled release date, get ready to experience an immersive journey into the tumultuous path of Lucas Marceau, a twenty-year-old biathlete propelled into the French B team.

A Creation by Franck Lacroix, Beniamino Delvecchio, and Claudio Moreno

Scripted by Franck Lacroix, illustrated by Beniamino Delvecchio, and colored by Claudio Moreno, "Première Cible" is not just a comic; it's a dynamic work of art that transports readers closer to the action, capturing the tension and emotion inherent in the demanding world of biathlon.

Lucas Marceau: A Dream, A Challenge

Lucas Marceau, twenty years old, embodies the essence of athletic dreams. Recently selected for the French B team, his journey to the World Cup promises to be filled with challenges. The 48 pages of this hardbound comic, with its cardboard cover, reveal the hurdles and sacrifices that dot his path to excellence.

The Pressure of High-Level Competition and Emerging Rivalries

Beyond the snowy landscapes and skis gliding on the track, "Première Cible" delves into the behind-the-scenes of high-level competition. The inherent pressure of high-level competition is realistically portrayed, as are the rivalries that can arise within a team. Delvecchio's drawings bring every crucial moment to life, capturing the intensity of each shot and the frenetic race on the snow.

An Invitation to Total Immersion

"Première Cible" is not just a comic; it's an invitation to total immersion in the exciting world of biathlon. Meticulously drawn details and carefully crafted dialogues offer readers an experience that transcends panels and bubbles, transporting them directly to the snowy slopes and into the demanding daily life of Lucas Marceau.

Reserve Your Copy: An Enticing Adventure Awaits

Whether you are a sports enthusiast, a comic lover, or simply curious to explore an extraordinary universe, "Première Cible" promises a captivating adventure. Reserve your copy now and get ready to dive into the world of biathlon like never before.

With "Première Cible," Franck Lacroix, Beniamino Delvecchio, and Claudio Moreno open a new chapter in the history of biathlon, capturing the passion, perseverance, and emotion at the heart of every shot, every descent, and every dream on the snow.